Finding Your Inner Modeler: An NSF Workshop – Year 3

Meet a Modeler: Schedule and Reservation

"Meet a Modeler" is scheduled for 3:40-5:40 on the 2nd day (June 14, Friday). You can meet the following expert modelers for 30 minutes. Please reserve a seat using the form below the schedule. Assignments will be made on a first come, first served basis. If you need to cancel the reservation, please contact Kawai ( There is no online waiting list. If your desired modeler is fully booked, just send Kawai ( an email. You will be placed in a wating list.

Specialty of Modelers
Modeler Specialty
Belind Akpa (NCSU) Systems physiology - multi-scale modeling to connect molecular events to dynamic physiological outcomes. Model building from scarce, qualitative, and heterogeneous data. Parameter estimation, uncertainty quantification, virtual populations and phenotypic variability.
Julien Berro (Yale):
Michael Blinov (U Conn) Rule-based modeling, modeling tools (VCell, Copasi, CellDesigner, BioNetGen), model exchange, partial differential equations
Ann Cowan (U Conn) Spatial simulation, simulating dynamic fluorescence experiments, VCell modeling
Wonpil Im (Lehigh) Molecular modeling and simulation
Carlos Lopez (Vanderbilt)
Gregor Neurt (Vanderbilt) Modeling dynamic signal transduction and transcription regulation using ODE's and the finite state projection approach in single cells
Wouter-Jan Rappel (UCSD) Dynamics systems, reaction-diffusion systems, stochastic equations
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