1. T. Holdsworth and R. Kawai, Phys. Rev. A 106 (2022), 062604 Heat pump driven entirely by quantum correlation
  2. G. Sager,T. Szul, E. Lee, R. Kawai, J. F. Presley, and E.Sztul, MBoC (2021) Modeling the dynamic behaviors of the COPI vesicle formation regulators, the small GTPase Arf1 and its activating Sec7 guanine nucleotide exchange factor GBF1 on Golgi membranes
  3. E. Aurell, R. Kawai, and K. Goyal, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 53 (2020), 275303 "An operator derivation of the Feynman-Vernon theory, with applications to the generating function of bath energy changes and to anharmonic baths" (To appear in J Phys A: Mathematical and Theoretical.) (pdf)
  4. K. Goyal and R. Kawai,Physical Review Research 1 (2019), 033018. "Steady-state thermodynamics of small quantum systems under the continuous measurement by environments" (pdf).
  5. K. Goyal, X. He, and R.Kawai, Physica A (2019) "Entropy production of a small quantum system under strong coupling with an environment: A computational experiment" (pdf)
  6. K. Sekimoto, A. Fruleux, R. Kawai, N. Ridling, Acta Phys. Pol. B 44 (2013), 847 "From Adiabatic Piston to Non-equilibrium Hydrodynamics" (pdf)
  7. R. Kawai, A. Fruleux, and K. Sekimoto, Phys. Scr. 86 (2012), 058508 "A hard disk analysis of momentum deficit due to dissipation" (pdf)
  8. A. Fruleux, R. Kawai, and K. Sekimoto, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 (2012), 160601 "Momentum transfer in non-equilibrium steady states" (pdf)
  9. M. Esposito, R. Kawai, K. Lindenberg and C. Van den Broeck, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 (2010), 150603 "Efficiency at maximum power of low dissipation Carnot engines" (pdf)
  10. M. Esposito, R. Kawai, K. Lindenberg and C. Van den Broeck , Phys. Rev. E 81 (2010), 041106 "Quantum-dot Carnot engine at maximum power" (pdf)
  11. M. Esposito, R. Kawai, K. Lindenberg and C. Van den Broeck , Europhys. Lett. 89 (2010), 20003 "Finite-time thermodynamics for a single-level quantum dot" (pdf)
  12. J. M. R. Parrondo1, C. Van den Broeck and R. Kawai, New J. Phys. 11 (2009), 073008 "Entropy production and the arrow of time" (pdf)
  13. R. Benjamin and R. Kawai, Phys. Rev. E. 77 (2008), 051132 "Inertial effects in Büttiker Landauer motor and refrigerator at the overdamped limit" (pdf)
  14. K. Wood, C. Van den Broeck, R. Kawai, and K. Lindenberg, Phys. Rev. E 76 (2007), 041132 "Continuous and discontinuous phase transitions and partial synchronization in stochastic three-state oscillators"  (pdf)
  15. B. Geislinger and R. Kawai, SPIE Proc. 6602 (2007), 660206 "A new model for myosin dimeric motors incorporating Brownian ratchet and powerstroke mechanisms"  (pdf)
  16. B. Cleuren, C. Van den Broeck, and R. Kawai, Comptes Rendus Physique 8 (2007), 567 "Fluctuation and Dissipation"  (pdf)
  17. K. Wood, C. Van den Broeck, R. Kawai, and K. Lindenberg, AIP Proc. 913 (2007), 49 "Synchrony and critical behavior: Equilibrium universality in nonequilibrium stochastic oscillators"  (pdf)
  18. K. Wood, C. Van den Broeck, R. Kawai, and K. Lindenberg, Phys. Rev. E 75 (2007), 061116 "Fluctuation theorem for entropy production during effusion of an ideal gas with momentum transfer"  (pdf)
  19. R. Kawai, J. M. R. Parrondo, and C. Van den Broeck, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 (2007), 080602 "Dissipation: The phase-space perspective"  (pef)
  20. K. Wood, C. Van den Broeck, R. Kawai, and K. Lindenberg, Phys. Rev. E 75 (2007), 041107 "Effects of Disorder on Synchronization of Discrete Phase-Coupled Oscillators"  (pdf)
  21. K. Wood, C. Van den Broeck, R. Kawai, and K. Lindenberg, Phys. Rev. E 74 (2006), 031113 "Critical behavior and synchronization of discrete stochastic phase coupled oscillators"  (pdf)
  22. B. Cleuren, C. Van den Broeck, and R. Kawai, Phys. Rev. E 74 (2006), 021117, "Fluctuation theorem for the effusion of an ideal gas"  (pdf)
  23. B. Geislinger and R. Kawai, Phys. Rev. E 74 (2006), 011912, "Brownian molecular motors driven by rotation-translation coupling" (Invited Paper) (pdf)
  24. E. Brandon, C. Alvarez, T. Szul. R. Kawai, R. Benjamin, and E. Sztul, Mol. Biol. Cell 17 (2006), 2996, "On and off membrane dynamics of the ER-Golgi tethering factor p115 in vivo"  (pdf)
  25. C. Van den Broeck and R. Kawai, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 (2006), 210601, "Brownian refrigerator"  (pdf)
  26. Kevin Wood, C. Van den Broeck, R. Kawai, and Katja Lindenberg, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 (2006), 145701, "The universality of synchrony: critical behavior in a discrete model of stochastic phase coupled oscillators"  (pdf)
  27. B. Cleuren, C. Van den Broeck, and R. Kawai, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 (2006), 050601, "Fluctuation and dissipation of work in a Joule experiment"  (pdf)
  28. I. Bena, C. Van den Broeck, and R. Kawai, Europhys. Lett. 71 (2005), 879, "Jarzynski equality for the Jepsen gas"  (pdf)
  29. Brian Geislinger, Erin Darnell, Kimberly Farris, and Ryoichi Kawai, SPIE Proceedings 5845 (2005), 93, "Are motor proteins power strokers, Brownian motors or both?"   (pdf)
  30. I. Bena , R. Kawai, C. Van den Broeck, and K. Linderberg, Fluctuation and Noise Letters 5 (2005), L397 "Stokes' Drift and Hypersensitive Response with Dichotomous Markov Noise"   (pdf)
  31. C. Van den Broeck, P. Meurs, and R. Kawai, New J. Phys. 7 (2005), 10 "From Maxwell demon to Brownian motor"   (pdf)
  32. C. Van den Broeck, R. Kawai, and P. Meurs, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 (2004), 090601 "Exact microscopic analyis of a thermal Brownian motor"   (pdf)
  33. R. Kawai, X. Sailer, L. Schimansky-Geier, and C. Van den Broeck, Phys. Rev. E 69 (2004), 051104 "Macroscopic limit cycle via pure noise-induced phase transitions"  (pdf)
  34. I. Bena, C. Van den Broeck, R. Kawai, and K. Lindenberg, Phys. Rev. E 68 (2003), 041111. "Drift by dichotomous Markov noise"   (pdf)
  35. M. Valiev, R. Kawai, J. A. Adams, and J. H. Weare, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 125 (2003), 9926. "The Role of the Putative Catalytic Base in the Phosphoryl Transfer Reaction In a Protein Kinase: First Principles Calculations"   (pdf)
  36. R. Kawai, X. Sailer, and L. Schimansky-Geier, SPIE proceedings 5114 (2003),173. "Macroscopic limit cycle via noise-induced phase transition"   (pdf)
  37. C. Van den Broeck, R. Kawai, and P. Meurs, SPIE proceedings 5114 (2003), 1. "Microscopic models of Brownian ratchets" (Keynote Address)   (pdf)
  38. C. Van den Broeck, B. Cleuren, R. Kawai, and M. Kambon, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C13 (2002), 1195, "A trio of Brownian donkeys"
  39. R. Kawai, N. Williams and L. Rast, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C13 (2002), 1201, "Collective Rotation in Coupled Parametrically-Driven Pendulums"
  40. I. Bena, C. Van den Broeck, R. Kawai, K. Lindenberg, Phys. Rev. E 66 (2002), 045603 "Nonlinear response with dichotomous noise"
  41. J. M. Robinson, Y. Wang, W. G. L. Kerrick, R. Kawai, H. C. Cheung, J. Mol. Biol. 322 (2002), 1065 "Activation of Striated Muscle: Nearest-neighbor Regulatory-unit and Cross-bridge Influence on Myofilament Kinetics"
  42. R. Kawai, K. Lindenberg, and C. Van den Broeck, Physica A 213 (2002), 119 "Parametrically modulated oscillator dimer: anan alytic solution"
  43. I. Bena, C. Van den Broeck, R. Kawai, M. Copelli and K. Lindenberg, Phys. Rev. E 65 (2002), 036611 "Collective behavior of parametric oscillators"
  44. E. J. Bylaska, , M. Valiev, R. Kawai c, J. H. Weare, Computer Phys. Comm. 143 (2002), 11 "Parallel implementation of the projector augmented plane wave method for charged systems"
  45. E. J. Bylaska, R. Kawai, and J. Weare, J. Chem. Phys. 113 (2000), 6096 "From small to large behavior: The transition from the aromatic to the Peierls regime in carbon rings"
  46. E. Bylaska, J. R. Rustad, R. Kawai, and J. H. Weare, Preprint "Implementing Free-Space Boundary Conditions in a Plane-Wave AIMD Method"
  47. P. Reimann, C. Van den Broeck, and R. Kawai, Phys. Rev. E 60 (1999), 6402 "Nonequilibrium noise in coupled phase oscillators"
  48. C. Van den Broeck, P. Reimann, R. Kawai and P. Hänggi,
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  49. P. Reimann, R. Kawai, C. Van den Broeck, and P. Hänggi, Europhys. Lett. 45 (1999), 545 "Coupled Brownian motors: Anomalous hysteresis and zero-bias negative conductance"
  50. E. J. Bylaska, J. H. Weare, and R. Kawai, Phys. Rev. B 58 (1998), R7488 "Developement of bond-length alternation in very large carbon rings: LDA pseudopotential results"
  51. C. Van den Broeck and R. Kawai, Phys. Rev. E 57 (1998), 3866 "Absorption-desorption phase transition induced by parametric modulation"
  52. R. Kawai, C. Van den Broeck, J. M. R. Parrond and R. Toral, Interface 5 (1997), 4 "Nonequilibrium phase transitions induced by multiplicative noise"
  53. X. Duan, R. Kawai, A. T. Yeates, and D. S. Dudis, Synthetic Metals 85 (1997), 1153 "Band-gap calculations for squarelene-based polymers"
  54. C. Van den Broeck, J. M. Parrond, R. Toral, and R. Kawai, Phys. Rev. E 55 (1997), 4084 "Nonequilibrium phase transitions induced by multiplicative noise"
  55. E. J. Bylaska, P. R. Taylor, R. Kawai, J. H. Weare, J. Phys. Chem. 100 (1996), 6966 "LDA Prediction of C20, isomerizations: Neutral and charged species"
  56. R. Taylor, E. Bylaska, J. Weare, and R. Kawai, Chem. Phys. Lett. 235 (1995), 558 "C20: Fullerene, Bowl, or Ring? New Results from Coupled-Cluster Calculations"
  57. E. J. Bylaska, S. R. Kohn, S. B. Baden, M. E. G. Ong, J. Weare, A. Edelman, and R. Kawai
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  64. R. Kawai and J. H. Weare, J. Chem. Phys. 95 (1991), 1151 "Instability of the B12 icosahedral clusters: Rearrangement to a lower energy structure"
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