kT log2  Fluctuation Theorems and the Physics of Information


  1. David Andrieux (U. Libre de Bruxelles)

  2. Ricardo Brito (UCM)

  3. Christian van den Broeck (U. Hasselt)

  4. Bart Cleuren (U Hasselt)

  5. Luis Dinis (UCM)

  6. Alex Gómez-Martín (U. Barcelona)

  7. Stephan Grill (Max Plank Institute, Dresden)

  8. Ryoichi Kawai (U. Alabama at Birmingham)

  9. Alejandro B. Kolton (UCM)

  10. Teruhisa Komatsu (U. Tokyo)

  11. David Leigh (U. of Edimburgh)

  12. Juan M.R. Parrondo (U. Complutense de Madrid)

  13. Jukka Pekola (Finland)

  14. Sandu Popescu (University of Bristol)

  15. Peter Reimann (U. Bielefeld)

  16. Udo Seifert (U. Sttutgart)

  17. Ken Sekimoto (U. Paris 7)