Installing MATLAB in your computer

AB has a site license of MATLAB. UAB employees and students are allowed to install MATLAB on their computers without paying the license fee.

The folloeing webpage explains how to install MATLAB in your computer:

Getting Started with MATLAB

1. Watch the following "Getting Strated with MATLAB" video (7 min). Geeting Started with MATLAB 2. Take a video course at MATLAB Academy (about two hours, free). MATLAB Onramp Interacfive Course 3. Optionally, read tutorials on various topics. Tutorials 4. Other videos for specific topics are avaiable at Videos
5. Complete Online Documentation is available at: Online Documentation 6. Downloadbale PDF Documentation is available at: PDF Documentation

Suggested Books on MATLAB

  1. "MATLAB - A Practical Introduction to Programming abd Problem Solving, 3rd Ed." by S. Attaway (Butterworth-Heinemann, 2013)
  2. "One Hundred Physics Visualizations using MATLAB" by D. Green (World Scientific Publishing Company, 2013)